Efecto/prueba más sólida
Efecto/prueba más débil

DIISODECYL PHTHALATE (DIDP) (alternate CASRN is 68515-49-1)

CAS: 26761-40-0

¿Cómo puede este químico afectar a mi salud?

Efectos agudos (a corto plazo)Fuentes de documentación

Irrita La Piel, priority gray
Irrita la piel – Puede causar irritación o daños graves en la piel.
Irrita Los Ojos, priority gray
Irrita los ojos – Puede causar irritación o daños graves en los ojos.

Efectos crónicos (a largo plazo)Fuentes de documentación

Defectos Congénitos, priority red
Defectos congénitos – Puede causar daños al feto en desarrollo, incluyendo defectos congénitos, bajo peso al nacer, y problemas biológicos o de conducta, que se manifiestan durante el crecimiento infantil.
Alteración Endocrina, priority orange
Alteración endocrina – Puede interferir con la comunicación hormonal entre las células, que controla el metabolismo, el desarrollo, el crecimiento, la reproducción y la conducta (el sistema endocrino).
Daños Reproductivos, priority yellow
Daños reproductivos – Puede alterar el sistema reproductor masculino o femenino al causar cambios en el desarrollo, la conducta o las funciones sexuales; disminución de la fertilidad, o abortos.
Cáncer, priority orange
Cáncer – Puede causar o aumentar el riesgo de cáncer.
Provoca Asma, priority yellow
Provoca asma – Puede causar una elevada sensibilidad, de manera que pequeñas cantidades pueden provocar asma, inflamación nasal o sinusal, u otras reacciones alérgicas del aparato respiratorio.

Fuentes de documentación

Peligro Directo » Defectos congénitos

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Developmental toxicity
    CA EPA - Prop 65
    California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA)
  • Clear Evidence of Adverse Effects - Developmental Toxicity
    US NIH - Reproductive & Developmental Monographs
    US Department of Health & Human Services - National Institutes of Health (US NIH)
  • Developmental toxicity - TSCA Criteria met
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

Peligro Directo » Alteración endocrina

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Category 2 - In vitro evidence of biological activity related to Endocrine Disruption
    EU - Priority Endocrine Disruptors
    European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
  • Endocrine Disruption
    ChemSec - SIN List
    ChemSec, The International Chemical Secretariat
  • Potential Endocrine Disruptor
    TEDX - Potential Endocrine Disruptors
    The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Peligro Directo » Daños reproductivos

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Some Evidence of no Adverse Effects - Reproductive Toxicity
    US NIH - Reproductive & Developmental Monographs
    US Department of Health & Human Services - National Institutes of Health (US NIH)
  • Reproductive effects
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
  • H361 - Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child [Toxic to reproduction - Category 2]
    GHS - Japan
    Government of Japan
  • Repr. 2; H361 - Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child (modeled)
    DK-EPA - Danish Advisory List
    Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DK-EPA)

Peligro Directo » Cáncer

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Carcinogen Group 3B - Evidence of carcinogenic effects but not sufficient for classification
    MAK Commission of Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

Phthalates (orthophthalates) » Provoca asma

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren a un grupo de compuestos que contienen esta sustancia química:

  • Asthma - allergen, sensitizer - limited evidence
    CHE - Toxicant Database
    Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)
  • Asthma - irritant - limited evidence
    CHE - Toxicant Database
    Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)
  • Rhinitis – allergic - limited evidence
    CHE - Toxicant Database
    Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)

Peligros inherentesFuentes de documentación

Lista Restrictiva, priority gray
Lista restrictiva – Esta sustancia química está incluida en una lista de un organismo oficial, que recomienda que se evite su uso.

Fuentes de documentación

Peligro Directo » Lista restrictiva

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • EPA Chemical of Concern - Action Plan published
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
  • TSCA Work Plan chemical - Action Plan in development
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
  • Precautionary list of substances recommended for avoidance
    P&W - Precautionary List
    Perkins+Will (P+W)
  • TSCA Work Plan chemical - ongoing chemical (risk) assessment
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
  • Chemicals of high concern
    SCHF - Hazardous 100
    Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF)
  • Priority Asthmagen to Avoid
    Habitable - Priority Asthmagens
    Habitable (formerly HBN)
  • Candidate Chemical List
    CA SCP - Candidate Chemicals
    California Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)
  • Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V3 projects
    Living Building Challenge 3.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)
    International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
  • Substances selected for RMOA or hazard assessment
    EU - PACT-RMOA Substances
    European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
  • V3 2014 Substance of Concern List
    BIFMA - e3/level Annex B list of chemicals
    Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA)
  • Bisphenols and Phthalates
    GSPI - Six Classes Precautionary List
    Green Science Policy Institute (GSPI)
  • Some Solvents
    GSPI - Six Classes Precautionary List
    Green Science Policy Institute (GSPI)
  • Substances restricted under REACH
    EU - REACH Annex XVII non-CMRs
    European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
  • Chemicals of High Concern
    MDH - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority Chemicals
    Minnesota Department of Public Health
  • Chemicals of High Concern to Children
    WA DoE - Chemicals of High Concern to Children
    Washington State Department of Ecology (WA DOE)
  • Designated Chemical
    CA DTSC - Biomonitoring California Chemical List
    California Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)
  • CoHC List (non SVHC)
    CPA - Chemical Footprint
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • Children's Products
    C2C Certified v4 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022
    Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
  • ZDHC - MRSL v1.1 for Textiles and Synthetic Leather Processing
    ZDHC - MRSL v1.1
    Zero Discharge of Hazardous Waste Chemicals Programme
  • ZDHC - MRSL v1.1 for Natural Leather Processing
    ZDHC - MRSL v1.1
    Zero Discharge of Hazardous Waste Chemicals Programme
  • Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V3.1 projects
    Living Building Challenge 3.1 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)
    International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
  • Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V4.0 projects
    Living Building Challenge 4.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals - Effective April 1, 2024
    International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
  • 2019 Substance of Concern List
    BIFMA - e3/level Annex B list of chemicals
    Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA)
  • Tier 1 “Do Not Use Chemicals” for Everyone
    Campaign for Safe Cosmetics’ Red List of Chemicals of Concern
    Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
  • Declarable and Reference Substance Lists (DSL and RSL)
    IEC 62474 - Material Declaration for Products of and for the Electrotechnical Industry
    International Electrotechnical Commission
  • Chemicals of High Concern to Children
    Vermont Chemicals of High Concern to Children
    Vermont Environmental Health Division
  • Food Contact Chemicals Database Version 5.0
    Food Contact Chemicals Database (FCCdb)
    Food Packaging Forum
  • Food Contact Chemicals of Concern List (FCCoCL) - TIER 1
    Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoCL)
    Food Packaging Forum
  • Phthalates
    American Apparel and Footwear Association Restricted Substance List (AAFA RSL)
    American Apparel and Footwear Association
  • Target Priority Chemicals List (TPCL)
    Target Corp - Target Priority Chemicals List (TPCL)
    Target Corporation
  • ZDHC - MRSL v2.0
    ZDHC - MRSL v2.0
    Zero Discharge of Hazardous Waste Chemicals Programme
  • EDF Key chemicals of concern in food packaging and food handling equipment
    EDF Key chemicals of concern in food packaging and food handling equipment
    Environmental Defense Fund
  • FSAP Food Packaging Product Stewardship Considerations
    FSAP Food Packaging Product Stewardship Considerations
    Food Safety Alliance for Packaging (FSAP)
  • FPF Priority Substance List from FCCdb
    FPF Priority Substance List from FCCdb
    Food Packaging Forum
  • Ortho-Phthalates
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Food Service Ware RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • Food Packaging Forum Priority Substances List
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Food Service Ware RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • TSCA Commercially Active
    TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (Active-Inactive)
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
  • Phthalates
    AFIRM Packaging RSL
    The Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management Group (AFIRM)
  • Ortho-phthalates (Bronze List)
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Furniture & Fabrics Bronze RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • Ortho-phthalates (Silver-Gold)
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Furniture & Fabrics Silver-Gold RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) Version 2.0
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Furniture & Fabrics Silver-Gold RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) Version 2.0
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Firefighting Foam RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) Version 2.0
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Textile Chemicals RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • GADSL Declarable Substances - Information is being collected for a non-regulatory purpose (D/FI)
    Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL)
    Global Automotive Stakeholder Group (GASG)
  • Ortho-phthalates (Silver-Gold)
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) Version 2.0
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • GreenScreen LT-1 (based on 2018 Chemical Footprint Project)
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • Ortho-Phthalates (Bronze)
    GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Bronze RSL
    Clean Production Action (CPA)
  • Potential CHRONIC health effects (over time or long-term)
    OR OHA - High Priority Chemicals of Concern for Children's Health (HPCCCH)
    Oregon Health Authority
  • Restricted Substances in Products
    Apple Regulated Substances Specification
    Apple Inc.
  • Reportable Substances and Future Restrictions in Products
    Apple Regulated Substances Specification
    Apple Inc.
  • DSL-all
    Environment Canada & Health Canada (EC)

Phthalates (orthophthalates) » Lista restrictiva

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren a un grupo de compuestos que contienen esta sustancia química:

  • Red List substance to avoid in Living Building Challenge V2.1 projects
    Living Building Challenge 2.1 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retired in 2014)
    International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
  • Substance to avoid to fulfill LEED Pilot Credit 11
    USGBC - LEED Pilot Credits
    US Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • Substance to avoid to fulfill LEED Pilot Credit 54 Option 2
    USGBC - LEED Pilot Credits
    US Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • Priority Chemicals
    ME DEP - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority Chemicals
    Maine Department of Environmental Protection
  • Prospective Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge projects
    Living Building Challenge 3.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)
    International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
  • Prohibited Chemicals
    Credo Beauty's Restricted Substance List

Ortho-phthalates - Biomonitoring Ca » Lista restrictiva

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren a un grupo de compuestos que contienen esta sustancia química:

  • Priority Chemical
    CA DTSC - Biomonitoring California Chemical List
    California Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)

[68515-49-1] Diisodecyl Phthalate (didp) (primary Casrn Is 26761-40-0) » Lista restrictiva

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren a un grupo de compuestos que contienen esta sustancia química:

  • Food Contact Chemicals of Concern List (FCCoCL) - TIER 2
    Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoCL)
    Food Packaging Forum

¿Cómo afecta esta sustancia química al medio ambiente?Fuentes de documentación

Nocivo A Largo Plazo Para Ecosistemas Acuáticos, priority yellow
Nocivo a largo plazo para ecosistemas acuáticos – La exposición a largo plazo puede causar daños irreversibles a peces u otros organismos acuáticos.
Bioacumulativo, priority gray
Bioacumulativo – Se acumula en los organismos y se concentra a medida que se avanza en la cadena alimentaria.
Persistente, priority gray
Persistente – No se degrada con facilidad por procesos naturales.

Fuentes de documentación

Peligro Directo » Nocivo a largo plazo para ecosistemas acuáticos

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • H413 - May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life [Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic) - Category 4]
    GHS - Japan
    Government of Japan

Peligro Directo » Bioacumulativo

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Low bioaccumulation potential - TSCA Criteria met
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

Peligro Directo » Persistente

Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:

  • Low environmental persistence - TSCA Criteria met
    US EPA - PPT Chemical Action Plans
    US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

¿Cuáles alternativas más seguras están disponibles para este químico?

Actualmente la información sobre alternativas más seguras está bastante limitada, y no es fácilmente accesible, ni vinculado a información sobre químicos en los sitios de trabajo . Donde tenemos información sobre alternativas más seguras, ChemHAT mostrará vínculos a estudios de caso existentes de alternativas más seguras para el químico.